The Season of Wow!
The time after Epiphany might be thought of as the season of "Wow!" The season begins with the Baptism of Jesus, accompanied by a descending dove and a voice from the heavens. Wow! The season ends with Jesus being transfigured into a dazzling appearance on the mountaintop. Wow! In between, there is water from wine at the wedding at Cana; Jesus claiming to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah; Simeon and Anna saying, "This is the One!"; but also the rejection of Jesus among his own people. Wow, for all sorts of reasons.
These are all ways that the nature and mission and ministry of Jesus began to be known among the people. Whether it was for his wonder and brilliance, or for his audacity and nerve, the response was not "Ho-hum," but "Wow."
What will be our response?
By Gordon Bruns