Adult & Intergenerational Ministries
As a church, our aim is to equip and encourage all people for growth in Christ. We do this through Sunday mornings, weekly programming, and simple community gatherings where we meet to eat, share, and laugh.
Listed below are opportunities to meet others and learn, at whatever pace you are most comfortable. Please contact Pastor Miriam Barnes (miriam@srczeeland.org) or the office (office@srczeeland.org) with questions, to get involved, or for further connection opportunities.
Intergenerational Ministry
Wednesdays @ Second
5:30 pm, September-April
This is a time to come together mid-week to eat delicious food, enjoy each other’s company, and participate intergenerational worship. All are invited! Check our Spire newsletter for weekly for the menu.
Summer Wednesdays
5:30 pm, June-August
This time of food and fellowship happens periodically throughout the summer, generally one Wednesday each month.
In previous years we have centered a worship time around Psalm 103 and prayer, specifically leaning into the teaching of the Heidelberg Catechism around the Lord’s Prayer.
Persons of all ages and backgrounds in faith are encouraged to join us in celebrating the gift of community and sharing a meal together.
Parish Life Events
Celebrating the gifts of being Christ's body, parish life events allow us to grow through food, fun and fellowship. Activities are planned for the whole year, most having an intergenerational focus.
Previous program years included:
Barn Party
Golf Outing
Museum outing
March Madness Party
Weekly Wednesday night meals
Manse Party
Football watching party
Parents' night out
Much more!
Adult Discipleship & Ministry
Second Cup
Wednesdays @ 10:00 am
This is an informal gathering of anyone who is free midweek to enjoy coffee, the occasional treat, & share in life together. All are welcome!
Individual Discipleship
There are plenty of chances to meet with others individually. The elders and pastoral staff would love to walk alongside you, whether in a formalized counseling session or just to connect over a cup of coffee.
Adult Second Hour
Sundays, 11:15 am, Sept - March
Second Church offers Sunday School classes on various biblical, theological, and ethical topics throughout the program year.
Second Edition Book Club
Monthly on 2nd Tuesday
The Second Edition Book Club meets monthly and discusses books of the group's choice. Contact the office for more info.
Discipleship Triad
A discipleship triad is a group of three people who meet bi-weekly and are committed to personal transformation through focusing on the Word of God, developing trust by speaking the truth in love, and deepening community within the larger body of Christ. For more information, please contact Pastor Miriam Barnes (miriam@srczeeland.org).
Our weekly newsletter, called the Spire, has updated information on these events and an upcoming dates calendar.