Belonging to a Community of Love
Membership at Second: Life in the Trinity
“You are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
We are baptized into the name and purpose of our Triune God,
who is most fully known as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
one God known through three holy, interrelated persons.
This holy three-in-oneness describes the Trinity as a community of love.
Like who we are baptized into, Second Church is to be a community of FAITH
where relational LOVE drives our identity and mission.
Key actions for our life together:
WORSHIP together in a weekly rhythm, affirming worship’s centrality in our life and faith. Worship is where grace is celebrated and the story of salvation rehearsed by the preaching of the Word and administration of the sacraments.
FORGIVE like Christ taught us. As such we commit to the work of restoration and reconciliation in our relationships as well as direct, honest, and loving communication of our joys, needs, and concerns.
CELEBRATE the diversity of gifts and passions that God has given the community while holding one another accountable for the faithful use of such gifts and what they represent as our wider witness to the world.
CREATE space for persons who wrestle with hard questions of faith and struggles in life. The church is to be a sanctuary for all and a vehicle for the Holy Spirit to heal our brokenness and estrangement.
PRIORITIZE the financial support of the overall ministry. For some this means growing towards a tithe and for others this means moving beyond the tithe in our stewardship as it reflects the deeper generosity and sacrificial truth of our savior, Jesus Christ.
GROW by personal commitment to a pattern of spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, devotions, Sunday School classes, small groups…) as well as communal growth by praying for others, inviting friends, and making room for guests.
EMBRACE eagerly, the wider work of transformation as we serve the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, fight racism, teach children to read, confront the cycles of injustice, share the message of salvation, reflect God’s Kingdom, and continually direct people to the beginning and the end of our hope found in the mystery and majesty of Jesus Christ (our very Alpha and Omega).
Adopted by the Board of Elders, September 27, 2016